In order remain transparent with our customers, we publish our rates for services provided.
Service Call | $150 |
After Hours | $210 |
Consultation | $60 |
Door Preparation | $90 |
Push Bar Service | $110 |
Rekey, per cylinder | $30 |
Master Key System Generation | $55 |
Additional Key Copies, each | $3 |
GMS MX Restricted Cylinder | $60 |
GMS MX Restricted Key, each | $15 |
Mileage: outside Forrest County, MS, per mile from Hattiesburg, MS | $3 |
Parts charges are dependent upon wholesale cost at time of service and can vary by the day due to the nature of supply. |
As of August 17, 2024, our rates have changed to keep up with rising costs. This was the first rate change in over 3 years. We apologize for the inconvenience.